When you are buying your groceries in the supermarket, do you find it astonishing that there are a lot of brands for a certain kind of product that you will buy? For example; Toothpaste, you will choose from tartar control, whitening, for sensitive teeth or an all day protection? What about bread? White bread, Wheat bread, Wholemeal bread, Wheat germ bread or Whole grain bread.
In this over communicated society, where information, products, ideas, talent or distribution are not limited commodities, business owners try to get the attention of their customers. In this society, owners miss the point, they believe, if they work hard and well, customers will come making this businesses plan mediocre marketing strategies.
In this attention dilemma, where business owners compete for attention; small business owners has an advantage, they have better chances to differentiate themselves because they could create a manageable and flexible strategy.
Here are some Guidelines so your Business could differentiate itself from others.
Survey the market or make a SWOT Analysis
SWOT means Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Survey and compile a list of competitors, see their marketing taglines and key messages, group similar messages together so that you will have a picture of the competitiveness of the market. You will know the strength and weaknesses of your marketing strategy and determine the opportunities that could be integrated on your plan and threats that could jeopardize your plan.
Put up a small group of people that could create a creative and innovative marketing strategy that could put your business in a favorable and alternative market position. Determine the needs of your customers and create simple direct to the point ideas.
Find and determine your Target Market
The target market is the group of customers where your product or services is the first priority. You marketing plan should be streamlined on this group. Create your market position in a niche group that is growing, distinct or there is minimal competition and large enough to be profitable
Develop your tagline
This is a short one sentence pitch that tells what your company or product is what you do and how you do it. You should make your message stand out; be creative and make it straight to the point.
Hear and collect feedbacks
A message is not one way, but two ways, there should always be customer’s feedback. How will you know if your strategy is working or not right? Talk to customers or with industry experts, Look for “Hype” or “WOW” responses this could tell you if your new plan can is good or not.
Create a creative, stand-out marketing plan that could differentiate you from the rest. After all, the problem is not resources but attention with a big competition in the field. Being creative and solving specific needs of your customers in the market can reap profits, loyalty and rewards.
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